Pure And Powerful Words Of The Lord
“The words of the LORD are pure words, Like silver tried in a furnace of earth, Purified seven times.” ( Psalm 12:6)
With all the technology, gadgets, social media surrounding us, we hear thousands of messages every day. We want to connect and acknowledge. Sometimes we want to effectively scan for opportunities and optimize for the best opportunities, activities, and contacts. We forget things that are more important. God’s word is more precious than any other things sent us. God’s word is absolutely perfect and in alignment with the character of God. It is the supreme measure of truth, and it imparts light and life to those who treasure it.
When we read and hear God’s word, we need to sit up and take notice. If we don’t understand it, we need to dig deeper until we find out what it means. And when God uses His word to redirect our steps, we are wise to say ” Yes Lord, I’m listening.” God’s word direct us along with God’s path, and the way is perfect for us each day.