“The precepts of the LORD are right, bringing joy to the heart; the commandments of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes.” (Psalm 19:8)
Millions of us say they really want to be wise in their decisions. They want to follow God in their personal lives, jobs, and families and to experience God’s blessings, but we often fail to do the one thing God promises will give us that wisdom; soak up the truths in His Word.
People who devour God’s truth ( Jeremiah 15:16) gradually develop a new set of eyes, one that sees beyond the tangible to the eternal. But that doesn’t mean they’re clairvoyant. They can’t see into the future or know exactly what God is doing all the time. Rather, they gain insight into the ways and the will of God. They aren’t shocked when roadblocks occur, because they’ve learned that God often uses detours to redirect us. They don’t pout when God doesn’t answer their prayer, because they know God sometimes has a different agenda that is much bigger than theirs. And they aren’t caught off guard when people disappoint them, because they have more insights about the selfishness that’s in their own hearts too.
Learning to see through the lens of Scripture takes time and effort, but most of us gladly expend time and effort on a host of other activities that promise far less. A writer once asked” Do you spend as much time in God’s Word as you spend reading the newspaper? Today Millenials time we might ask, “Do we spend as much time reading Scripture as we do watch Youtube or checking our social media account?”
Read God’s Word daily and get ready, you are about to experience the life you can’t wait to live.