“The LORD gives His people strength; the LORD blesses His people with peace.”(Psalm 29:11)

Many of us have an entirely wrong idea about peace. We think it can only be found in the absence of hassles but that not the way King David describes it. King David reminds us that God showed the power of His hand and righteous judgments against sin by sending the Flood to destroy the entire population except for Noah and his family.

God knows His people but His people must know Him and trust in the power of His might, by faith – so we can say in full assurance, that the Lord is our strength we will not trust in our own abilities, the Lord is our strength and we will trust in Him indeed. The Lord will bless us with peace.

The Lord not only gives us His strength in time of need, but He also blesses His people with peace. He blesses those who believe in Him, with the peace of God, that passes all human understanding. He not only removes the barrier between God and man, but He desires His people to rest in His love, and to know His own precious peace, deep within their hearts, so that they may enjoy sweet fellowship with Him.

The Lord has blessed us with every spiritual blessing, and all His promises to us are all ‘yes’ and ‘amen’ in Jesus Christ our Lord. All that we have to do is to appropriate them so that no matter how fiercely the storms of life batter our tiny boat, we have confidence in the One Who rules the tempest with His word and causes the stormy seas to be still.

No matter what life throws our way, we can have confidence in the truth of God’s Word and joyously proclaim, the Lord is our strength and He is our peace.