“To the one who overcomes, I will grant the right to sit with Me on My throne, just as I overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.” (Revelation 3:21)
We find Jesus Christ, the head of the Church, standing outside the door and knocking – waiting to see if some individual would hear His voice and open the door, so that they may commune with one another.No matter what the spiritual temperature of other believers, we are called to be faithful and to keep Jesus Christ at the centre of our heart and life.
Our eternal salvation is secure, because Jesus overcome on our behalf – through His life, His death and His resurrection, but our future rewards depend on the life we live now. By faith in Jesus Christ, which gives us the opportunity to live to the glory of God and receive His promised reward or to become carnally-minded, lukewarm, fleshly believers, and fail to live to the glory of God. We have been given everything we need for life and godliness – and we have all we need to overcome the world, the flesh and the devil.
God allows difficulties in our lives so we may overcome them. For some, its poverty or an addiction or physical illness or a tragic accident or natural disaster. But for others, it’s the burden of wealth. Some of the wealthy lack insight about where their wealth came from or how to used it. God calls all of us to trust Him overcoming the problems in our lives.