“The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear Him, and he delivers them.” (Psalm 34:7)
The fear of God is a strange term in the ears of many modern people. In ancient times, kings ruled with absolute sovereignty. They could bestow riches and remove someone’s cranium on a whim. Their supreme power and authority made people afraid of them. With God, we don’t have to worry about capricious actions. His infinite wisdom, mercy, and justice always guide His actions.
God isn’t a Santa Claus who only gives us good gifts. He is a strong, loving Father who requires loyalty from His children. If we are loyal, God pulls out all the stops to bless us and encourage us. He also continues to strengthen our relationship with Him when we are faced with difficult situations so that our roots go down into Him.
In this wonderful Psalm, King David describes a miraculous deliverance when it looked as though he was going to kill. He ascribed God’s protection to an angel’s presence camping around him. Angels aren’t chubby little babies with cute wings and bare bottoms. When we see angel in the Scriptures, they are terrifying creatures who inspire awe. They are the ones who camp out with us all day every day. They act in concert with God’s purposes to direct us and provide for us. Today, realize that we are camping out with an angel.