“The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped. Therefore my heart rejoices, and I give thanks to Him with my song.”(Psalm 28:7)

Trusting God may begin as the desire for Him to meet a need in a particular situation, but it ends in a richer, stronger relationship with Him. Difficulties aren’t aberrations of life; they are an integral part of life. Sometimes, to be sure we bring them on ourselves by doing something foolish and destructive, and sometimes others wound us by their selfishness. Whatever the cause by people or natural disasters or demonic activity, difficulties drive us to God with cries for help.

The answer may come instantly, but far more often, God takes His time to work more deeply in our hearts to purify our motives. Then, when the answer comes, we don’t even think of claiming credits. We gladly point people to God as the source of the solution.

But a strange thing happens. When the answer comes, were glad, however, something much deeper has happened in our hearts. We realize that we know God better than before, and that makes our rejoicing even sweeter.

Whenever a friend comes through for us when we’re in trouble, we tell everybody we know, and we praise our friend’s virtues. It’s the same in our friendship with God. When we’re convinced that He has come through for us, we can’t stop talking about Him, and in fact, we sing His praises.