“Wait patiently for the LORD; be strong and courageous. Wait patiently for the LORD!”(Psalm 27:14)
Waiting is incredibly difficult, it’s the hardest thing to do. Because we live in an instant society, were not used to waiting for anything. But God uses the discipline of waiting to teach us lessons we can’t learn any other way.
Sometimes God puts the brakes on our plans because He wants to teach us an important lesson and He has to get our attention. Occasionally, God puts up a stop sign to keep us from going in a certain direction because He wants to redirect us. Quite often, we’re so sure we’re headed the right way that we won’t listen unless He stops us dead in our tracks. We sometimes need God to grab us and stop the runaway train of our lives.
Waiting can be especially difficult when it seems as if everything in our lives is stuck in red light, but He may be preparing a person or a situation so that we proceed again He can work even more powerfully.
To us, waiting seems like a waste or worse, it feels like things will never be right again. When we have to wait, we shouldn’t just sit and fritter away the time. We should pursue God with our hearts, try to determine the reason God wants us to wait, and trust His goodness and timing because He is God.