“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14 )

We may try to hide what we really think of a person or a situation but sooner or later, our words will reflect our beliefs. For most of us, aligning our hearts and our words is difficult, and sometimes or maybe often we dance around what we really believe and say things we don’t really mean.

But for those who are serious about following God, alignment doesn’t stop with our hearts and our mouths. We need to align both with the character and purposes of God so that what we say and what we believe reflect His heart and His direction for our lives. God delights in our acts of kindness to those in need, our forgiveness of those who hurt us, and our refraining from blurting out venomous words. God loves it when we are honest with Him about our faults and broken hearts. He knows He has our attention, He can reveal the secrets of His love to us. The more we value God’s grace, His wisdom, and His strength, the more we’ll long for every part of us, especially our words and our hearts to be alignment with Him.