Novena Prayer for Couples Hoping to Conceive

Day 1

Lord, God of life, we come to you in hope, with an openness to your plans for us and our family. We do not grasp at a new life, seeking to have children by means that lie outside Your will.

We know you care for us and we do not despair. Instead, we humbly put the conception of our child into Your hands, recognizing You as the Giver of the gift of life. Remember us as you remembered Sarah and Abraham (Gen. 16-17), blessing them in their infertility so that the world would recognize Your divine role in the conception of their son, Isaac, who would go on to have descendants more numerous than the stars, the Israelite people.

Grant us peace during this time of uncertainty that we may be confident in Your constant care and love for us.

(State your intentions here)


Day 2

Lord, God of life, we come to you in hope, with an openness to your plans for us and our family. We do not grasp at a new life, seeking to have children by means that lie outside Your will.

We know you care for us and we do not despair. Instead, we humbly put the conception of our child into Your hands, recognizing You as the Giver of the gift of life. Remember us as you remembered Rebekah and Isaac (Gen. 25), blessing them in their infertility with twins so that the world would recognize Your divine role in the conception of their son, Jacob, who was the father of the 12 tribes of Israel.

Grant us peace during this time of uncertainty that we may be confident in Your constant care and love for us.

(State your intentions here)


Day 3

Lord, God of life, we come to you in hope, with an openness to your plans for us and our family. We do not grasp at a new life, seeking to have children by means that lie outside Your will.

We know you care for us and we do not despair. Instead, we humbly put the conception of our child into Your hands, recognizing You as the Giver of the gift of life. Remember us as you remembered Rachel and Jacob (Gen. 30), blessing them in their infertility so that the world would recognize Your divine role in the conception of their son, Joseph, who would be the father of two of the tribes of Israel.

Grant us peace during this time of uncertainty that we may be confident in Your constant care and love for us.

(State your intentions here)


Day 4

Lord, God of life, we come to you in hope, with an openness to your plans for us and our family. We do not grasp at a new life, seeking to have children by means that lie outside Your will.

We know you care for us and we do not despair. Instead, we humbly put the conception of our child into Your hands, recognizing You as the Giver of the gift of life. Remember us as you remembered Manoah and his wife (Judges 13), blessing them in their infertility so that the world would recognize Your divine role in the conception of their son, Samson, who would serve as a judge of Israel and help the Israelites against their enemies.

Grant us peace during this time of uncertainty that we may be confident in Your constant care and love for us.

(State your intentions here)


Day 5

Lord, God of life, we come to you in hope, with an openness to your plans for us and our family. We do not grasp at a new life, seeking to have children by means that lie outside Your will.

We know you care for us and we do not despair. Instead, we humbly put the conception of our child into Your hands, recognizing You as the Giver of the gift of life. Remember us as you remembered Hannah and Elkanah (1 Sam 1), blessing them in their infertility so that the world would recognize Your divine role in the conception of their son, Samuel, a great prophet and the last judge of Israel.

Grant us peace during this time of uncertainty that we may be confident in Your constant care and love for us.

(State your intentions here)


Day 6

Lord, God of life, we come to you in hope, with an openness to your plans for us and our family. We do not grasp at a new life, seeking to have children by means that lie outside Your will.

We know you care for us and we do not despair. Instead, we humbly put the conception of our child into Your hands, recognizing You as the Giver of the gift of life. Remember us as you remembered the Sunnamite woman and her husband (2 Kings 4), blessing them in their infertility so that the world would recognize Your divine role in the conception of their son, who though unnamed in Scripture was later raised from the dead by Elisha.

Grant us peace during this time of uncertainty that we may be confident in Your constant care and love for us.

(State your intentions here)


Day 7

Lord, God of life, we come to you in hope, with an openness to your plans for us and our family. We do not grasp at a new life, seeking to have children by means that lie outside Your will.

We know you care for us and we do not despair. Instead, we humbly put the conception of our child into Your hands, recognizing You as the Giver of the gift of life. Remember us as you remembered Sarah and Tobias (Book of Tobit), blessing them after an exorcism of evil spirits so that the world would recognize Your divine role in their marriage and the conception of their children.

Grant us peace during this time of uncertainty that we may be confident in Your constant care and love for us.

(State your intentions here)


Day 8

Lord, God of life, we come to you in hope, with an openness to your plans for us and our family. We do not grasp at a new life, seeking to have children by means that lie outside Your will.

We know you care for us and we do not despair. Instead, we humbly put the conception of our child into Your hands, recognizing You as the Giver of the gift of life. Remember us as you remembered Elizabeth and Zechariah (Luke 1), blessing them in their infertility so that the world would recognize Your divine role in the conception of their son, John the Baptist, cousin of Jesus and proclaimer of the coming of the Messiah.

Grant us peace during this time of uncertainty that we may be confident in Your constant care and love for us.

(State your intentions here)


Day 9

Lord, God of life, we come to you in hope, with an openness to your plans for us and our family. We do not grasp at a new life, seeking to have children by means that lie outside Your will.

We know you care for us and we do not despair. Instead, we humbly put the conception of our child into Your hands, recognizing You as the Giver of the gift of life. Remember us as you remembered Mary (Luke 1), blessing her in her infertility as a perpetual virgin so that the world would recognize Your divine role in the conception of her Son, Jesus, the Son of God and Savior of the world.

Grant us peace during this time of uncertainty that we may be confident in Your constant care and love for us.

(State your intentions here)


Prayer For Those Struggling With Infertility

God of All Life, You fill what is empty, You make abundant what is scarce, You bring to bloom what is barren.

We ask for your presence and care for all those who seek to be parents. Bless them with the conception, healthy delivery, and joyful rearing of children to cherish made in your image and likeness. Dwell with them and console them as they wait for the gifts given in your good time.

With Sarah and Abraham, Rachel and Jacob, Hannah and Elkanah, Zachariah and Elizabeth, we pray.



A Novena Prayer For Pregnancy

Dearest St. Philomena, your prayers are powerful because you are so close to Our Lord. Your child-like faith and devotion are an inspiration to all of the faithful. Many miracles have occurred as a result of your intercession. In your closeness to Our Lord, please lift up these my intentions in prayer…

(State your intentions here)

St. Philomena, at such a young age, you gave everything to Jesus to become a consecrated virgin for the Kingdom. Giving even more, you gave your life as you suffered a martyr’s death to preserve your gift to our Lord. Pray for me, that I might have the same faith and willingness to accept God’s will no matter the cost.



Prayers To St. Gerald

This first prayer to St. Gerard is for Motherhood:

O good St Gerard, powerful intercessor before God and wonder worker of our day, confidently I call upon you and seek your aid. On Earth, you always fulfilled God’s designs, help me now to do the holy will of God. Implore the Master of Life, from whom all paternity proceeds, to render me fruitful in offspring, that I may raise up children to God in this life, and in the world to come, heirs to the Kingdom of His Glory.


This second prayer is for a Safe Delivery

O great Saint Gerard, beloved servant of Jesus Christ, perfect imitator of your meek and humble Savior, and devoted child of Mother of God enkindle within my heart one spark of that heavenly fire of charity which glowed in your heart and made you an angel of love. O glorious Saint Gerard, because when falsely accused of a crime, you did bear, like your Divine Master, without murmur or complaint, the calumnies of wicked men, you have been raised up by God as the patron and protector of expectant mothers. Preserve me from danger and from the excessive pains accompanying childbirth, and shield the child which I now carry, that it may see the light of day and receive the purifying and life-giving waters of baptism through Jesus Christ our Lord.
