“But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.” ( James 1:6 )

Problems test our faith, and in the time of struggle, we develop the quality of endurance. “Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.” ( James 1:2-3 ) As we continue to trust God in hard times, we grow up spiritually and our faith matures into a deep, strong trust in God through thick and thin. We have to ask in faith and not doubt. We need His wisdom so we understand His purpose and processes along the way. He has promised to give us His wisdom generously.

In times of trial, we doubt just about everything, including our abilities, our understanding, other people’s motives, the path forward, and God’s goodness. We can get wrapped up in trying to figure things out on our own that we almost go paranoid. We experience hard times because of all the conflicting thoughts, differing advice from friends, and emotions that can swing between blinds hope and deep despair. When we acknowledge that we don’t have the answers and were turning to God for His help. We need to consider our ways, but we don’t want to become obsessed with every possible contingency. We also trust in God’s will, in His way, in His timing, and give us the direction we need. We don’t demand an instant answer. We ask, and wait patiently. God often leads us to the truth in His Word and to wise believers who give us valuable insight.