“A song of ascents. Of David. Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony!”(Psalm 133:1)

We’ve all heard many stories of organizations, and companies that disintegrated into bitter conflicts. The conflict began with someone shifting blame for a failure, petty gossip that caused hurt, envy that someone else was treated better, or fierce competition that produced genuine bitterness. Whatever the cause, people took their eyes off the common goal and started protecting themselves. That’s why so many organizations or teams failed.

In families, companies, and churches, the leaders can build unity by giving for and pointing people toward a purpose that transcends each other. With that goal in mind, they can identify and affirm each person’s abilities and contributions, overlook petty issues, and communicate with clarity and compassion. When each one of them feels valued and included, incredible things can happen. People develop their skills, grow more committed to the cause and encourage one another. In this environment, they grow as tall as redwoods.

Focus our energies on clarifying a purpose and enlisting cooperation to achieve a common goal. It’ll make difference in those around us and in us.

A Prayer for Unity when Life Feels Uncertain

Dear God, We know that you are with us and you fight for your people. We believe that it’s not by might, nor by power, but by your Spirit, that you make a difference in us.

We are needy for you. Some days feel so broken and uncertain. We’re hurting, we’re struggling, and we’re aware, more than ever, of our own weaknesses, and of the dark forces that constantly surround us, fighting to gain ground in our lives and families. We ask that you fill us with your Spirit of love and unity among us.

We ask for your help to set aside our differences and look to the greater cause, the cause of Jesus Christ. We ask that you would help us to truly live a life of love. We know that this is only possible through the power of your Spirit, so we pray for your Spirit to move across our land in fresh ways. Turn your people back to you. Draw others to come to know you. Thank you that you are always with us to give us great purpose and hope. Amen.