“But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers.“God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”(John 4:23-24)

Places and rituals aren’t the essentials of a relationship with God. Jesus explains that, instead, there are two rails that keep us on track; spirit and truth. Both are necessary for a vibrant, growing relationship with God.

God is seeking true worshipers. Everything, including the salvation of His elect and even the damnation of the wicked, will result in glory to God. So God now is seeking worshipers who will bring Him glory, not just for an hour on Sunday, but every day through all their activities. God is seeking us as a true worshiper. If we haven’t yet put our trust in Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord, start there. If we have trusted in Christ and perhaps have drifted off course, come back to this as our priority: God wants us to become a true worshiper.

The true worshipers that the Father seeks to worship Him in spirit and truth. To be true worshipers, we must worship both in spirit and in truth. To worship in spirit without truth is to worship false gods. To worship in truth without the spirit is to fall into dead orthodoxy. We may be doctrinally correct, but we’re lifeless. And, the Father must be the focus of our worship. We worship Him for all His ways. The Bible is our only guide for worshiping in truth. Worship in spirit flows out of worship in truth. Feeding our mind on the truth of God moves our spirit to praise and love God. Make it your priority to become a true worshiper of God.

The Scriptures tell us the truth about the nature of God, the way He relates to us, His instructions about life and relationships, and the consequences of turning our backs on Him. Spirit and truth both essential in our walk with God.