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10 Strong Prayers to Start a New Job

10 Strong Prayers to Start a New Job

Prayer in New Job

Father in heaven, when I look back at my life, I can see Your hand providing for me. Thank You for this new job. Help me to honor You in the way that I work. You say that whatever I do, work at it with all my heart, as working for the Lord, not for my boss. Guide me so that I do everything in Your name. Energize me with the endurance to not grow weary. Fill my heart with sincere obedience to my boss, knowing that from You I will receive the inheritance as my reward. In Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.

Prayer in First Day Job

God, my Provider, thank You for blessing me with this new job. In my every task, guide me so I can do it as unto You. Clear my mind of distractions so I can quickly master my new tasks. Fill me with positivity and kindness so that I can continue to demonstrate devotion to You in the way that I work. Instill me with Your godly grit so that I do my work until my job is done correctly, and with excellence. Put Your words in my mouth so I say the right things to my boss and my colleagues. Be with me every step of the way. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Prayer to Fight Feelings of Inadequacy 

Father God, my Strength, in my life, and especially in this new job, fill me with confidence. You say that I can do all things through Him who gives me strength. Give me confidence from my identity as Your child. Point me and my actions towards the destiny that You have for me. Inscribe in my heart that I have been made competent by the Spirit of God. Change my focus from how people think I am performing, to having a servant’s attitude. Focus me on learning how I can serve others more quickly and more effectively. Wipeout my thoughts of inadequacy, self-measurement, and self-judging. Bring freedom to my soul. Amen.

Prayer of Strength 

Mighty God of miracles, My maker. You are the one who has gifted me with the skills and talents that I now possess. Now that I have a new job, please help me avoid repeating the mistakes of the past. I want to keep and excel at this job, God. Help me to work hard, have a positive attitude, and take initiative. Help me to put aside any distractions from my life when I am working. Focus me on offering solutions to problems and understanding my boss and customers. Help me to go the extra mile in everything I do. I thank You that You are always with me. Be my guide so that I do well at this job. Amen.

Prayer to Endure

Loving Father, Your mercies are new every morning. As I start my job, I pray that You give me stamina so that I honor You in the way that I work each day. I know some days will be tiring and I will be tempted to cut corners to get the job done. Lord, destroy any temptation. My employer deserves my best work, and that is the work You expect of me as well. Help me to do the things I need to do to increase my endurance. Keep my mind clear from distractions and focused on my assignments. Mold me into a well-trained employee for my job. Amen.

Prayer to Communicate Well

Dear Jesus, I thank You for Your constant blessing over me. You have given me life and salvation and assured me of who You are through Your Word. You have also provided me my daily bread through this job. Lord, I pray that You increase my communication skills so I can interact with my boss and colleagues effectively and clearly. Help me to listen more than I speak. Adjust my body language so that I do not give the wrong signals. Guard my tongue so that no negativity, complaining, or gossiping comes from my lips. In Jesus’ name, I pray for Your help. Amen.

Prayer to Get Along Well

God, You have commanded me to represent You in the world by loving my neighbor as myself. Help me say the right things so I can get to know as many of my colleagues as possible, and even develop friendships. Direct my actions so that I can quickly be accepted as a member of the team. Show me how to be helpful to my colleagues so they know that I am a team player and am not competing with them. Foster an atmosphere of friendliness around me, and make this job one that lasts a very long time. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Prayer for Wisdom and Guidance

O Lord, our Great Shepherd, You give wisdom generously to those who ask. Give me wisdom that comes from You and not earthly wisdom. Open my mind to absorbing all the information I can about the company, the job, my boss, and my colleagues. Help me to approach every problem with clarity and creativity. Show me how to navigate office politics and identify the influencers in the office. Direct me in my ways, Lord, so that my job is a success. Thank You for the hope and guidance I have in Jesus. Amen.

Prayer of Gratitude

Holy God of blessings, praise be Your almighty name for the blessing of this job! You are my loving Father who cares for me. I am so grateful for You to lead me according to Your good plan for my life. Every good thing that I have is by Your grace. I am so thankful for this new job You have given me for the provision of my daily bread. Let me live every day in a way that reflects my appreciation for Your goodness in my life. In every breath, I praise the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Prayer for Perseverance

Father in heaven, I pray that You infuse me with strength and endurance in this job. Even through challenges and weariness, keep me from falling and enable me to bring glory to Your name by working well even when I am tired. You are my true master – I want to persevere for You. Lord, give me the patience that comes from walking by Your Spirit. You are my constant source of strength. Amen.

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